The Jeff Petry Trade Web: Part 7 – The Complete Trade Web

It’s time. The Jeff Petry Trade Web is massive. I’ve shared parts of it over the past few weeks but the reality is, there’s a lot left and I can’t possibly summarize all the connected storylines succinctly in a series of posts. Hopefully, the previous posts in the series have given an idea of the type of storylines that can be followed within the trade web. Now, it’s time to put it all out there and let you find the storylines that interest you. We’re about to stomp on the accelerator and power through the complete trade web. Let’s go.

The Jeff Petry Trade Web: Part 5 – The Curtis Glencross Thread

In Parts 1-4 of the Jeff Petry Trade Web series, we’ve been following the entire NHL chronologically as numerous origin threads appear independently. In Part 4, we saw a number of threads tie together. For Part 5, we’re going to change our approach as the threads start to branch off again and focus on a complete look at individual threads.

Playoff Postmortem: Round 1

The second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs is officially underway and eight teams are left standing in the quest for the Cup, eight more teams had their hopes of hoisting Lord Stanley’s mug this spring doused. Let’s compare some key metrics from the regular season and round 1 to see where things went wrong for the teams we said goodbye to in round 1.

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